Blog Post

3 Reasons to Recycle Aluminum Cans

Admin • Jan 27, 2022

Both consumers and businesses can make a difference by recycling used materials. For example, they can reuse and repurpose metals. Also, you don't have to have large amounts of metal to recycle as scrap regularly; even simple aluminum soda cans have an important role to play in the recycling world.

What are the benefits of recycling your used aluminum cans?

1. Help the Environment

Every time you recycle an item, you help the environment and make the world greener. Sometimes, you simply prevent harmful substances from entering the environment by not leaving things in landfill or waste sites. Other times, your recycling efforts reduce manufacturing processes that harm the environment.

For example, you need to mine bauxite ore to make aluminum. The mining process in itself is hazardous. It creates toxic by-products that can contaminate land and water sources. This contamination can affect local plants, animals, and humans. Plus, mining uses up a lot of energy.

Then, manufacturers release harmful greenhouse gases into the environment when they make their cans. The manufacturing process creates gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide, and nitrogen oxide. All of these emissions contribute to environmental problems such as air pollution.

If you recycle aluminum cans, then you reduce this environmental load. For example, you reduce the need to mine bauxite, because manufacturers can simply reuse existing aluminum. Manufacturers have an easier production process that creates fewer emissions. Manufacturers can make new cans using far less energy.

2. Make an Immediate and Long-Term Difference

While any kind of recycling has some benefits, some materials are hard to completely recycle. For example, you have to strip computers down to their component parts to remove valuable materials and deal with harmful ones. Some of these materials might not be reusable or recyclable. You make a difference but don't get the satisfaction of complete recyclability.

Plus, some materials lose their recyclability over time. For example, if you recycle some glass or plastics, then you might have to turn them into different products. They might not be as easy to recycle in the future. Or, they might be used for products that people don't tend to recycle.

If you recycle old aluminum cans, then you make an immediate difference. Aluminum is 100% recyclable. Every can can be completely repurposed, and nothing goes to waste here. Unlike other materials, aluminum doesn't lose any of its core structure whenever it is recycled. It stays the same every time. This metal will always be completely useful and reusable.

So, you get the immediate satisfaction of knowing that your aluminum cans will be completely reused. Plus, every can you recycle makes a long-term difference. Current aluminum stocks are infinitely reusable. If you keep existing stocks of aluminum in the supply chain, then the world doesn't need to mine as much bauxite ore.

3. Make Some Money

While recycling for the sake of it is a responsible thing to do, you can sometimes make some money from this process. Dealers buy used metals from consumers and businesses because they have a financial value.

Aluminum is a desirable metal for most dealers. Its complete recyclability makes it a valuable commodity. So, you can make some money from recycling your cans, especially if you are a business with a lot of can waste to dispose of. While this might not be as important to you as helping the environment, it is a nice bonus.

To find out more about can recycling options and rates, contact the experts at Bruce Metal & Salvage. As well as aluminum recycling, we also recycle glass, plastics, and other metals. Our one-stop service makes it easier for you to help the environment and make some useful extra money.

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